Friday, June 24, 2011

My No-So-Fat Jeans have officially come out of retirement....

I can't call them "skinny" jeans...still along way away from that, but I haven't been able to wear these jeans in like 4 YEARS!!!!! I'm super excited that I didn't get rid of them...I guess I must have known I'd be able to wear them again! :)   So, I've now lost a total of 31 pounds (17.8 of those since starting TSFL)....wooooooohooooo!!!! I've got a few pairs of "fat pants" that I will be throwing need to hang on to those!!

Don't have a lot of time to write this morning...I promise the next post will be much better! :)


  1. Keep one pair of "fat" pants, you'll want to see the comparisons one day! :)

  2. Congrats!! That's super exciting. :)
