Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh, my long, lost blog...

I've been away for awhile...after countless promises of coming back & getting back on track. It seems like every time I get started on a weight-loss plan, something throws me off. I can't ever seem to finish what I start. I was sure that this time, I had it figured out - I couldn't fail - I couldn't be thrown off course. Well, I'm not going to say that I have failed or that I have been completely thrown off...but I have definitely struggled these past few months. Now, I could sit here and list one hundred excuses as to why I have gotten off track, BUT I'm not going to do that. Sure, there are several factors that I feel have caused me to focus on things other than myself, but when it comes down to it, the only person who is to blame, is me. So, not to be corney, but sometimes when you fall off that horse, you gotta dust yourself off and get back on! And that folks, is exactly what I have done.

Last week, I started going back to the gym with my friend/co-worker/life coach ;), Haley. She's been kicking my butt everyday - but I don't mind, because I need it! We are going to be working out together everyday, so expect to see a lot about Haley on my blog.

"Hello, my name is Haley. I take extreme pleasure in torturing Cherice on a daily basis."

Haley has started to write out our workouts's a sample of the last 2 days:

She also wrote down some goals for me....I like #2 the best! :)

Okay, so I feel like I'm off to a good "re-start." I didn't completely undo everything I had already accomplished, but unfortunately, I did gain a few pounds back - they crept back on over the past few weeks. :(  I can't dwell on that though, just have to move forward from here. I'm excited to start blogging again and hope that all of my followers will continue to follow me on this journey! :)

A few words of wisdom for ya!


  1. This is awesome!!! Keep it up and be ready in 5 minutes!!

  2. Love It! Keep the faith! You can do it!!! LOL -- seriously, this is what it's going to take - when you fall down, just get right back up and continue on. Thank you Haley for being Cherice's mentor/life coach/friend!!! It's time to focus! Go Ricey! Love you! - Mom
